Aww... :'(
Why be conventional? don't walk over the bridge, get a plane to take you all the way around the world without crossing the bridge. fucking bridge. i hate that bridge...
sarcastic student
Who cares?
wherever, whereverton
Joined on 1/19/05
Aww... :'(
Just try submiting it again but this time make a better title :P
do ya even know the title?
Dont remember, but in all the time ive been submitting art (crap) to the portal ive learned that there are 3 main aspects to submitting a passing flash. And one of thoes aspects is the title.
lolololololololololololololololololol ololololololololololololololololololo lololololololololol
i cant flash either because it says i have too install that again and i was as mad as heck when i found out
told ya your flash wasnt going to make the cut.
do you even know which one im talking about? im talking about the flash i made to tell people how to get flash.
newbs those idiots need too lern a lesson KILL EM AND FEED THEM TOO FRIEND (the zomebie)
no. lonely zahmbee wants a live freind.
Now that is the way i got flash but showing people how to do it is illegal. Hell doing it is illegal.
>:( flagers!