View Profile 113420
Why be conventional? don't walk over the bridge, get a plane to take you all the way around the world without crossing the bridge. fucking bridge. i hate that bridge...


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113420's News

Posted by 113420 - June 12th, 2008

i was bored so i made another single panel for you guys. i'll get to work on my flash movies soon.
and yes, this IS a reason why i dont use vista.

sometimes i wish it could talk. i want a talking computor.

Posted by 113420 - June 11th, 2008

em1 fuckups might be moving along... i'm not sure.

yeah, emulator stuff is awesome. mainly because you cant break the game by cheating. case in point, i hacked a mew into a file on fire red, and i can't trade it OR fight with it! on the emulator? works FINE. i want that one. now!


Posted by 113420 - June 10th, 2008

alright, so. first things first. madness byrd dnace is back up, the stolen one is deleted. good for us!
back to normal stuff. if i ever find a way to get you guys flash WITHOUT infringing on copyright laws, i'll let you know. there are tons of loopholes (probably).
anyway, em1 fuckups is going fiiiiine. might have it done in about a week.
in the meantime, ima go play n64 on my emulator. sweetness!

moving on! no problems here! maybe.

Posted by 113420 - June 10th, 2008

okay, so after my last post, i decided to resubmit madness byrd dance. i know flashstealer submitted it four days ago, and he DID steal it. so here be my proof. a link to my post on the day we submitted it, a link to the stolen one, and a screenshot.

taking a risk here...

Posted by 113420 - June 10th, 2008

i've always said that justice was bullshit, and here ya go. asmo's account was banned for hosting the flash for free guide. and with it, madness byrd dance. well, crap. i'll just have to resubmit it. but i'm worried people might think i was stolen.

don't worry though, asmo's account is already back up.

Posted by 113420 - June 8th, 2008

alright. so, nobody has asked me what exactly em1 fuckups is going to be, but i'm going to explain it anyway. i'm stealing the idea from stingray56, but we all need some inspiration... even if it does come from something that killed steve irwin. but then again, steve has caused the torture of many innocent australians just by saying "crikey!". believe me, it happens. it really does suck for australians when people ask them to say crikey a million times.

back on track.
em1 fuckups will consist of everything that went wrong during the creation of epic madness. and i don't mean animation glitches. i mean getting the actors to actually do the scene without killing eachother. case in point, the LONELY ZAHMBEE scene. we had to use 17 stunt doubles just to get LZ to stop crushing whatever came into his hands.

clarification request: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, SHITHEAD?

Posted by 113420 - June 8th, 2008

alright, so nobody really cares that one of my flash movies was stolen. granted that, i will stop talking about it... AFTER this post. i still have some more ranting to do and one more joke graphic to make.

okay, ranting.
seriously, how dumb ARE these people? it's like they aren't self-confident in themselves and need to steal someone else's work just to feel like they've accomplished something. i mean, really! grow some balls! either that, or stop taking it up the ass in that alley. you people keep me awake at night!

okay, so i wanted to milk the theft joke JUST a little more, and i made the short comic you see below. i actually have made quite a few comics... ON PAPER. because we don't have a scanner and we currently have two dogs that will eat anything that smells edible, you probably wont ever see them. big deal. most of em suck.

all that, and then the normal routine. em0 fuckups is still in progress (if i ever put it in progress) and people who have to steal things to feel good about themselves can staple rabid porcupines to their crotch.

moving on... maybe. okay, ONE more joke. just one.

Posted by 113420 - June 7th, 2008

a couple hours ago i found out that the most awesome thing ever has happened. one of my flash animations was STOLEN! how cool is that? seriously! my work is good enough for people to actually steal it! WOW! so no, i'm really not angry at all. more annoyed, because there are people that are stupid enough that they can't make their own movies.
anyway, basic routine. still working on em1 fuckups and blah blah blah. now do us all a favor and go vote 0 on stolen flashes.

hehehe, sweeeeet.

Posted by 113420 - June 2nd, 2008

okay, because the music for EM2 isnt finished yet, im gonna hafta wait until trogdar's done with it before working on my movie. which reminds me, CHECK OUT TROGDAR'S MUSIC. so, anyways, i'm going to use the music jacktheflipper made for me and get crackin on a new (sorta) project. EM1 fuck-ups. thanks to stingray56 fro the idea... kinda. it'll probably be 2 minutes in length, i'll get to show off my smexy intros that i spent ages (kinda) working on, and best of all, i get to introduce you to my new character!

you've probably seen him before, he made an appearance in madness byrd dance. he's the face in my icon! i call him leven.

before i forget, meta knight is awesome.


Posted by 113420 - May 28th, 2008

i've seen meta knight without his mask in kirby: nightmare in dreamland, but never really got a good look. what i DID know is that meta knight looked like an angry blue kirby. and thus... (see picture)

other people may laugh, but given how many people kirby has killed, looking like him isn't really insulting. this just further proves that meta knight is kirby, only awesomer.

does KIRBY have eyes that glow in the dark?
does KIRBY have bat wings?
does KIRBY wield a sword that can be swung 20 times in a second?

didn't think so.

on a side note, im starting to work seriously on EM2 (epic madness 2)
i think i might actually make it from a diferrent character's perspective. like the LONELY ZAHMBEE. (yes, i do have to spell it in caps)
aaaanyway, i'll have it done by september 22nd (day of madness)
and i wont do any bullshit like release a preview. full versions ONLY!
i will, however, send people demos after the movie exceeds 1 minute in length. that'll be awhile.
